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Tuesday, 12 June 2007

The two people left when everyone else is already in pairs

Do you ever look round a group of people and mentally pair them all off with each other, and then see who you're left with? Maybe it's just me. It's probably just me. For example: there are six people, two of whom are already going out, and another two are flirting, so obviously you are left with the one remaining person. The problem is that I always seem to end up with people I'd rather not be paired up with... I suppose it is sometimes men, so that reduces the chance of a happy pairing!

Anyway, I'll stop this discussion, I'm probably sounding more and more peculiar in the head.

1 comment:

Mirat said...

I've never done that but it sounds amusing. I should try it next time I'm in a group of people and bored...

How was your birthday? It must've been good bc you were too busy to hang out with me and Katy :). And see you tonight! Hope you didn't have a viva...